Saturday, August 31, 2019

Mun Ga Resolution

RESOLUTION 1-1 Topic: Approaches to Prevent the Acquisition of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) by Terrorist and Extremist Organizations Sponsor: Angola Bearing in mind that a Weapon of Mass Destruction is any nuclear, chemical, or biological weapon that can cause indiscriminate death or injury on a large scale, Taking note of the terrorist group AL-Qaeda along with some North Caucasus terrorist groups that have consistently stated that they seek nuclear weapons and have tried to acquire themFurther reminds that Osama bin Laden has stated that the acquisition of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction is a â€Å"religious duty†, Noting with deep concern the secrecy of the possession of a nuclear weapon and the effects that follow due to the difficulty to locate the weapon, Viewing with appreciation the Treaty of Pelindaba (signed in 1996 and came to effect in 2009) which establishes a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Africa,Deeply Disturbed by the attack of Hiroshima and Nagasaki conducted by the United States in WWII and the effects of the nuclear bombings that caused large amounts of destruction and injury, Applauds the Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate's (WMDD) measures to prevent threats from becoming an attack, Taking into account the access of nuclear weapons in the U. S. , UK, France, Russia, China, Pakistan, India, and North Korea, The Republic of Angola, 1. Calls upon the creation of a committee that focuses on terrorist groups and their use and retention of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and the ame of the committee as, The Research Committee of the Abolishment of Terrorism/Extremist Groups and Their Use of WMDs (RCAT); 2. Requests the RCAT conduct the following research of: a) the availability of WMDs to terrorist and extremist groups; b) what WMD certain terrorist groups are holding or trying to gain possession of, such as stated in preambulatory clause #2 and on line 3 & 4; c) Focusing on where these groups are learning h ow to make and/or getting these weapons from as well as where they store them; 3.Requests funds from countries who oppose and whom are affected by terrorist and extremist groups; 4. Further requests that troops, from the countries who are providing funds, be brought into countries who have agreed to such aid, with large amounts of terrorist/extremist threats for a period of 6 months while the committee is in research, in hope for protection and security for those who are affected and giving information to the RCAT to further gain participation from witnesses who know of these groups to suppress the groups' progress; . Calls for all countries to properly maintain their WMDs and the supplies to create them, in order to keep these supplies from exposure, in fear of the creation and possession of WMDs by terrorist/extremist groups also in fear of a potential attack; 6.Suggests that WMDs and supplies are maintained in a facility that is guarded by trained government officials and take re commendations from other nations, who are experienced in storing them, and use their recommendations to determine the site, building, and measures to keep them safely secured and from getting into the hands of terrorists and extremists groups; 7. Asks for full support from countries being affected by terrorism and

Friday, August 30, 2019


Even though the labor cost is cheaper in developing countries than in developed countries, due to the specific market nature of the garment industries, for example the short production life cycle, high volatility, low predictability, high level of impulse purchase and the quick arrest response, garment industries are facing the greatest challenges these days (Lucy Daly and Towers 2004). Before 1 980, customers tolerated long lead times, which enabled producers to minimize product cost by using economical batch sizes.Later, when customers began to demand shorter lead times, the producers were not able to stand in the competitive market with their current production system. This is when the problem arose and companies started to look for changes to be more competitive. This pressure was further intensified with the elimination of quotas as of January 1 , 2005. To stay competitive, many domestic textile manufacturers have sought to improve their manufacturing processes so that they can more readily compete with overseas manufacturers. Garment industries in developing countries are more focused on sourcing of raw material and minimizing delivery cost than labor productivity because of the availability of cheap labor. Due to this, labor productivity is lower in developing countries than in the developed ones. For example, labor is very cheap in Bangladesh but the productivity is poor among other developing countries (Shadily and Seed Shall 201 1). Similarly, since the cost of fabric is a major factor of the garment cost, it is controlled by using CAD and CAM system for marker making and fabric cutting to save fabric consumption.So now the worry is about labor productivity, sewing process improvement and making production flexible. Even today, industries are getting the same or more volumes (orders), but the number of styles they have to handle has increased drastically. Earlier, industries were getting bulk order so there was no need to worry, if the production line was set for the first time it would run for a month or at least a week or two. Now a days, the fashion industry is highly volatile and if the orders are not fulfilled on time, the fear for losing business is real.Due to small order quantities and complex designs, the garment industry has to produce multiple styles even within a day; this needs higher flexibility in volume and style change over (Ashram and Christian 201 1). In some cases It has been observed that, in developing countries the garment industries are run as family businesses. They don't have much confidence towards innovation over old processes. They are happy as long as they are sustaining their business. Since lacking of skilled personnel as well as sufficient capital to implement new technologies for improving productivity and flexibility, they are not moving towards new innovation. Because of all these things the industries have been running in a traditional way for years and are rigid to change (Gao et al 2009). T he best Way to Cope with all these challenges is the implementation of lean manufacturing. This will serve the purpose of flexibility and save a lot of money by reducing production lead time, reducing the inventory, increasing productivity, training operators for multiple works, ND by reducing rework. 1. 2 RESEARCH PROBLEM The sewing section in a garment firm is a most problematic section as compared with other value chains . Most of the time, failure to meet delivery time is because of the sewing section.Sewing operations (with respect to cutting and finishing) demands high skill in machine handling as well as material handling and more chances of producing defective products. So we have to give more attention to stitching tasks than fabric cutting and other value chains of garment production. Firstly, high WHIP in traditional type of batch production is the major problem aced by industries. Due to high WHIP, the throughput time as well as rework level is very high. In some cases, even though the operator has completed the sewing operations, the garment cannot be packed because of high WHIP.Also, the defective parts are hidden inside the batches and it is very difficult to clear them while completing the final order quantity. This is the reason why garment professionals seem to work like fire fighters; because they are always in hurry for searching the missing garment pieces all over the shop floor. 4 Secondly, in batch processing (Progressive Bundling system), flexibility awards the style change over cannot be achieved easily; which is the current demand (Decreasing order size and increasing number of style) of garment industry.To meet this requirement, production layout should be designed in such a way that it should hold minimum WHIP and should be flexible enough to the changing need of order. Thirdly, in batch process, since the operators are given specific jobs, they know one or few more operations only. Though he She may have good skill and can work mor e efficiently on one (allocated job only) operation; he ‘she cannot work immediately on some other operation. This is another need of today's industry, because the fashion is changing frequently and the work force should be capable enough to cope with this change.To achieve this operator should be multi-skilled; which can be served by regular training and converting long assembly lines into small manufacturing cells. Workload fluctuation and process balancing among operators is another problem in batch processing, because one operator is given one operation at a time. So the operator who is performing easier and low time consuming jobs can pile up a huge amount of WHIP whereas in the critical operations (operations which deed more time and skill) there is lagging which causes unbalanced WHIP between machines and the work load.This research tries to address all these problems of garment industry by implementing lean manufacturing tools in an apparel firm. 5 1. 3 RESEARCH OBJECT IVES Lean manufacturing is an operational strategy oriented towards achieving the shortest possible cycle time by eliminating wastes. The term lean manufacturing is coined to represent half the human effort in the company, half the manufacturing space, half the investment in tools and half of engineering hours to develop a new product.These benefits can be achieved only if the concept is religiously followed in the organization. The objectives of this research is as follows To understand the lean manufacturing principles and identify the suitable lean manufacturing tools which minimize the process wastage such as work in progress(Wall), through put time, change over time, product defects, production space and loss of productivity in garment industry TO restructure the sewing section such as machine layout, operational modification and operator skill improvement, which demand lean implementation.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Components of civic education Essay

The core meaning of civic education is that it is a subject that promotes civic knowledge, civic skills, civic values and civic dispositions. Civic knowledge is concerned with the content or what citizens out to know, it is thorough familiarization with what civic life constitutes. It is having an understanding about basic principles of democracy, politics, elections, institutions. Having the understanding of the rights and responsibilities, knowledge of what rights and responsibilities our political leaders have. Social relationships in the community entails levels of civic knowledge, an understanding that their different cultures. It is about having an understanding of current issues, the functionality of institutions and sustainable development. Civic skills, with regard to the three positions given on the meaning of civic education it promotes practical skills meaning service learning and common awareness hence for people to discharge their responsibilities and exercise their rig hts as citizens, the need for skills, participatory and intellectual capabilities becomes paramount. Intellectual skills in civics and government are inseparable from content, these skills are sometimes called thinking skills. The National Standards of Civics and Government categorize these skills as identifying and describing; explaining and analyzing; and evaluating, taking and defending positions in public affairs. A good civic education enables one to identify or give the meaning or significance of things that are tangible such as the flag, national monuments or civics and political events. It also enables one to give the meaning or significance of intangibles, such as ideals or concepts including patriotism, majority and minority rights, civil society, and constitutionalism. Civic disposition’s refers to the traits of private and public character essential to maintenance and improvement of constitutional democracy. Civic dispositions develop slowly as a result of what one learns and experiences in the home, school, community and organization of civil society. These experiences include understanding that democracy requires the responsible self governance of each individual; one cannot exist without the other. Traits of private character, such as moral responsibility, self discipline, and respect for the worth and human dignity of every individual are imperative. Traits of public character are public spiritedness, civility, respect for the rule of law, crucial/ critical mindedness and  willingness to listen, negotiate and compromise are inseparable to democracy’s success. These bring about the intention to be active in the community, to participate in civil society as well as in particular political community. The importance of civic dispositions, or the â€Å"habits of the heart† as Alexis de Tocqueville called them, can scarcely be overemphasized.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Managment - Essay Example The organization was founded to exploit the gap between fast food restaurants and full table service restaurants. The organization does not provide full table services but offers better services compared to fast food establishments. 2. How rapid was the growth of your organization, and what problems did it encounter while it grew? Describe the passage through the stages outlined in Greiner’s model. How did managers deal with crisis it encountered as it grew? The growth of the Chipotle shows that the organization established in 1993 has rapidly grown to be among the most profitable organizations in the global market. The revenue earned by the organization has almost grown by three times since 2006. The problem Chipotle has experienced during its growth stage has been competition from other organizations in the restaurant business. Greiner’s model evaluates growth of the organization through a series of five stages. The first stage is growth through creativity where the organization is unique. The second stage is growth though direction where the organization grows by focusing on its products, then there is growth through delegation. The forth stage is growth trough coordination and the last stage is growth through collaboration as the organization expands its operations. The managers dealt with the problem of competition by increasing awareness by advertising the organization (Jones & Gareth 315). The growth stage that Chipotle is currently experiencing can be described as the growth through delegation stage. The organization has growth over a relatively short time increasing the number of outlets. The external problems facing the organization include competition from other players in the food industry and the changes in the economy which has reduced the overall sales. Internal problems include maintaining consistency over all the outlets to maintain the culture of the organization.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business and Sustainability Adidas Company Research Paper

Business and Sustainability Adidas Company - Research Paper Example Companies that record huge profit levels take up CSR as a way of giving back to the society. Such companies set aside funds to cater for the recommended corporate social responsibility activities. The paper will analyze the CSR activities implemented by Adidas Group of Company. Additionally, the paper will evaluate the impact of the CSR activities and the community perception of the implemented activities. CSR activities by Adidas With numerous years in the market, Adidas has been able to gather a significant market support and demand for its products. This has transformed the organization to a multi-millionaire company and one the one of the leading enterprises in the supply of sport kits and merchandise. Similar to its large profit recording, the organization has invested a lot in CSR activities. The activities go beyond participation in local community activities and charity events. The organization has also invested in global community give back projects (Smit 102). The CSR activ ities include: I. Group initiatives In this initiative the organization seeks to support projects that support the activities in the local context of their supplier’s communities (Adidas Group 49). Additionally, this category of programs involves using employees to participate in community activities that surround the organization’s environment. ... The other group initiative project is the infrastructure and education program in Sudhaar, Pakistan (Adidas Group 48). II. Employee involvement projects This category is involved in organizing charitable events involving staff members. In most cases the events involve are fun activities. One major event under this category was the Kids Sports Fun Day in Germany (Adidas Group 49). The main aim of this activity was to involve the unfortunate children in this particular society in a fun having activity. Additionally, the event involved also disabled children as the company found way of incorporating them into the fun activity. Environment sustainability projects by Adidas Apart from the social responsibility efforts, Adidas has indulged in environmental activities that around the globe. Environmental sustainability projects refer to projects that are used to increase the level at which environments are comfortable to hold human life. These activities are used by Adidas to create a stron g market position and also as a community appreciation strategy. The environmental sustainability projects may be planned or they may be immediate events that have occurred and need support from corporate. In words by Smit sustainability projects are also used by organizations to create comfortable environments from which they operate (87). For example, it is difficult to trade in areas with famine and drought. In this case, an organization may drill boreholes or come up with efficient transport services for the provision of water. One of the most significant indulgences of sustainability projects by Adidas is in the United States in case of hurricanes. The organization helps rebuild

Is the Fiscal policy of India Sustainable Dissertation

Is the Fiscal policy of India Sustainable - Dissertation Example The staggered recovery in the economy has apparently terminated the growth dynamics of major industrialized economies and the developed nations. The declining growth rates of the household and the shyness of the business market has been adversely affecting the world trade and the employment scenario simultaneously. The huge funding requirements of the banks and the sovereigns can be also regarded as one of the major problems of these nations. On the other hand the emerging and the developing markets in the global platform at the same time are growing at an accelerated rate2. Similarly one of the world’s developing nations i.e., Indian economy has grown rapidly since the beginning of the 1990s despite a large and growing fiscal deficit and rising public levels relative to output. Despite the economic upheaval in the time span of 2007-09 and the downsizing of the global events particularly the random fluctuations in the movement of the prices of the crude oil, the economy of Ind ia has faced remarkable growth and has worked on the further growth and development in their economic conditions with consolidated enhancement in the key macroeconomic indicators3. The Indian economy with a strong economic base and resilience, encountered a solid growth rate of around 8.4 percentages during the phase of 2010-2011 with the emergence of one of the fastest developing countries. The agriculture sector has followed strong performance inculcated with strong pace of growth in the industrial and services sector. The Growth rate in Gross Domestic Product around a percentage of 8.4 can be highly attributed to the magnificent growth rate in major sectors like growth in transport, storage and communication (14.7%), financing, insurance, real estate & business services (10.4%), trade, hotels & restaurants (9.0%), and construction (8.0%).The growth rate of the primary sector i.e. agriculture, forestry & fishing has shown a high growth of 7.0 per cent during 2010-11 in comparison to around 1.0 per cent during the year 2009-10. The growth of the secondary sector is 7.2 per cent and that of service sector is 9.3 per cent during 2010-11. In this case the fiscal policies adapted and implemented by the government is stupendously crucial as it is one of the most significant parameter in the determination of growth rates and development4. Thus the basics of the fiscal policy and its relevance with respect to the Indian economy will be explained in the subsequent section. The crux of the fiscal policies generally refers to the combination of several practices of the government with respect to revenues, expenditures, and debt management. The fiscal planning mechanism is generally done within the context of Public Services Program (PSP), Operating Budget and the Capital Improvements Program (CIP)/Capital Budget reflects and helps shape fiscal policy. The process of budget not only reflects the fiscal policies currently in action but it is itself a major propelling veh icle for the determination and the implementation of such policies. The fiscal policies are not general sets of rules or norms which are taken as yardstick of measurement but they are basically variable sets of rules which changes with the change in the economic environment of an economy5. The implications of the fiscal policies are immense as because the continuous fiscal imbalances and the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Influence of European Enlightenment on modern schooling Essay

Influence of European Enlightenment on modern schooling - Essay Example It also aimed to reform the society by using reasoning and understanding of the phenomena’s by using scientific knowledge. It aligned majority of the thinkers on the lines of reason and understanding during the 17th and 18th century. It was also referred to as an ‘Age of Reason’ by Thomas Paine (Hackett 1992). It is still believed by many that the basis of modern concepts and thoughts lie in the age of Enlightenment. Science, skepticism and intellectual understanding was promoted during this era as opposed to the superstitious thinking and intolerance by church and state (Wilson 2004). Origin of Age of Enlightenment The Era of Enlightenment was sparked by the great philosophers and thinkers of that time. Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677),Pierre Bayle (1647-1706),physicist Issac Newton (1643-1727) and Philosophers Voltaire were the major proponents in originating the Enlightenment movement (Casey 2008). The revolutionary leaders of the Enlightenment movement hailed themse lves as the courageous elites. They claimed to take the world out of the dark period of doubtful traditions and ecclesiastical tyranny due to which the historical wars took place. Education in the Age of Enlightenment The basic purpose of the movement of Enlightenment was to spread scientific knowledge and reasoning among masses and to take people out of the ignorance in which they were plunged in during the Middle Ages.The role of the educational system was very important in spreading the ideas and concepts of Enlightenment among the people. Continuous development took place in the educational system in Europe throughout the Enlightenment period and the French Revolution. The educational development increased and flourished rapidly during the Enlightenment period. Educational history prior to Enlightenment Period Before the period of Enlightenment, religious dogmatic believes and superstitious thinking was given value. The education was considered the sole right of males who belong ed to the upper stratus of the society such as nobles, mercantile and professional class. With the spread of the scientific revolution traditional religious and superficial beliefs gave way to scientific thinking and reasoning. Novel and revolutionary scientific ideas were proposed by the philosophers such as John Locke proposed that sensation and reflection plays a part in obtaining knowledge. Locke later developed a theory which was based on the same idea that every human being are equal in the capacity of sensation detection and that education should be made public and reachable by all classes of the society. The roots of Pedagogy as science, also has its roots in the in the Age of Enlightenment. The education was considered a basic tool by the philosophers and thinkers of that time to fight against ignorance and superstition. It was considered a way to achieve an open-minded and egalitarian society (Farzaneh 2009). They fought against censorship and worked towards the practice o f free speech. They wanted Declarations of Human rights and an easy and free access to education for all people. Spread and growth of Education system The education before the Age of Enlightenment was considered the divine right of only rich and noble upper class of the society. During the 18th and 17th century there was a significant

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Remuneration of the Chief Executive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Remuneration of the Chief Executive - Essay Example Although target remuneration levels are aligned to the market, excellent performance by both the company and by the individual executive director is rewarded with higher bonus levels and share awards, taking potential total remuneration to the upper quartile or higher of the company’s key international competitors. Base salaries of employees are determined in a similar way to those of executive directors. The company’s approach is to ensure that target total compensation is benchmarked to the relevant market in which the individual is employed. The objective of this study is to analyze whether the CEO’s remuneration is in some way related to the performance of the firm or results from the position and power of the chief executive. Most of the studies conducted earlier consider whether CEO pay is determined by the performance of the company they manage or whether it simply relates to the influence which the CEO has over the board of directors. Several other factors such as the size of the company, number of executive directors on the board, sales growth of the company have also been considered in this study to understand the significant factor that decides the remuneration of the CEO. Some studies conducted indicate that if the CEO is also the Chairman of the company, this person has an undeniable influence on the decisions of the board. Hence the influence of the position of the executive director is also studied in this analysis. From the above analysis, it is concluded that the salary of the CEO is much higher when he is the Chairman of the company. The position and power of the CEO play a significant role in determining the salary despite the poor performance of the company. The higher the proportion of executive directors on the board, the higher is the salary of the CEO. Â  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Existentialism and Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Existentialism and Art - Essay Example A look into these various concepts proves that Leo Tolstoy comes up with the best explanation regarding art. According to him, art is a form of communication that can take various forms. If it succeeds in developing an emotion, it is an art. Aristotle and Art According to the Aristotelian view, art is an imitation of life. He starts his theory of art with the claim that humans have the urge to imitate, and this tendency to imitate is the very basis of human learning. It is this tendency that makes humans delight in works of imitation. Thus, according to the scholar’s opinion, various people imitate using various medium ranging from color and voice. As Butcher (1951, p. 116) says, this concept contains three elements of imitation. They are rhythm, language, and harmony. Here, Aristotle brings in the concept of virtue in art. To illustrate, the factor that decides whether a particular artwork is a comedy or a tragedy is the object that is imitated in the work. Though the art for m used is the same, the emotions it creates will be quite opposite in both the cases. Thus, when one follows the Aristotle's point of view, one gets a chance to evaluate the quality of art and the element of virtue in it. This becomes possible because the artist is supposed only to imitate, not to create. Evidently, there are a number of pitfalls in the Aristotelian view. ... For example, if the quality is assessed from the perfection in imitation, people from other geographical areas will not be able to assess the quality of any art. In other words, an art form will be highly limited to people in that geographical area or who are familiar with the item being imitated. Another issue arises that the concept does not take into account the authenticity of abstract works. To illustrate, it forgets the quality of Cubism and Pop as art forms, though they are not realistic reflections of nature. Thus, it becomes evident that though Aristotle managed to present the human characteristic of imitation, he failed to develop a flawless theory of art out of it. Plato and Art One can see that Plato too shows a tendency to consider art as an imitation though he develops a bit on the concept; but to the wrong side. In The Republic, Plato claims that art is an imitation of the things and events that one encounters in everyday life (p. 69). However, admittedly, Platoâ€℠¢s theory goes astray when things like music are considered. For example, even though Plato claims that music represents natural sounds and emotions, one can easily find that there is no imitation of anything natural other than emotion. However, Plato’s effort to show how complicated art can be in imitating things deserves appreciation. To illustrate, in The Allegory of the Cave, Plato describes the example of some prisoners chained to a bench, facing the wall of a deep cave. Behind them, artists are performing puppet play, and the prisoners could only see the shadows what they perceive as reality. However, as one prisoner gets released, he sees the puppets that produced the shadows (The allegory of the cave, 2011). Thus, one sees that, though Plato considers art

Friday, August 23, 2019

Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy - Essay Example The Governor of Texas, John Connally and his better half was also present there inside the car along with Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy. Sitting in a Lincoln convertible, the Kennedys and Connallys waved at the extensive and energetic swarms assembled along the parade way. As their vehicle passed the Texas School Book Depository Building at 12:30 p.m., Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly shot three shots from the sixth storey, lethally wounding President Kennedy and genuinely harming Governor Connally. Kennedy was professed dead 30 minutes after the fact at Dallas Parkland Hospital. He was 46. Following the incident, several investigative sources stated several reasons behind the assassination of the President. There were numerous questions among the general public like, â€Å"who killed the president?† and â€Å"why he was killed?† this report will find the answers for these questions. Thus the thesis statement here can be established as, â€Å"exploring the mystery behind the presiden t’s murder and finding out the most reasonable theory related to the murder†. Maybe the focal mystery is the means by which a man who appeared to be a loser could execute such a horrendous action. Lee Harvey Oswald was aimless, to a great extent alone, distracted, as per the official Warren Commission report. Yet in seconds, he changed the course of history. History is loaded with ludicrous truths – yet regardless. The single shooter hypothesis is one numerous Americans discover hard to acknowledge. The Warren Commission, headed by US Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, stated that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. At the same time today, 61 percent of the respondents to another Gallup survey still say they accept somebody other than Oswald was involved in the case. There are three more mysteries related to the incident. Thin at the starting, they open to uncover bigger inquiries at the close. Numerous investigators pose to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Treatment Case Essay Example for Free

Treatment Case Essay Introduction It is important to know what treatments means as well as the meaning of evaluation. Treatment can be defined as the care by applications and procedures which are intended to reduce pain, injury or illness. Evaluation on the other hand is the determination whether a person, a group of people or an activity has met a certain requirement or criteria. Treatment Evaluation is therefore a close supervision on whether an item, a person or groups of people with a certain problem have been assisted in the correct way and there improvement is visible. Lambert, Ogles, (1986) Discussion Being a supervisor of a clinical treatment program or counseling agent, it is essential to design a evaluation method that will examine how a clinical therapy is effective in a company. The evaluation I will use should include requirement like how to make use and mobilize the clients spiritual sides, how to psychological acceptance is fostered .the treatment evaluation should also be able to reduce the effects of negative thoughts .the therapy used in the company should assist clients to get enough access with the core values. it should contain research of human language that is modern in order to understand and bring out the causes of human suffering. I would make sure my evaluation is built on the foundation of committed action on large patterns. In order to improve proficiency of the staffs in clinical skills, assessment will be successful when video demonstrations role play and samples of the audience work is used. The clients will be able to learn many things due to various video representations. The empirical found concerning the functions and the nature of the worries and the role of emotional processes. Murdock. N. L.(2006). The results also will indicate the roe and importance of addressing emotional and interpersonal factors in the therapy as well as how therapeutic relationship is used to maximize the outcome of this corresponding treatment. Through this, it will be able to evaluate systematically the proficiency of the therapy. The success of the evaluation will be seen when the staff or the members of the staff get the competency at using it as an instrument to validate the work samples, and formulate conceptualization. As a supervisor, I will make sure the evaluation I am designing is able make supervisory skills and cognitive therapy strong enough. Murdock. N. L.(2006) I will make sure that people understand the evaluation before it is used in the company, that is, the method implemented should manage the staff group environment of the therapy. These evaluation is able to assist people to adapt the techniques that individual have developed that is later used in the group therapy environment. The evaluation should be able to bring out the evidence for supporting the use of the treatments with patients who era seriously depressed and with other disorders. It should also reflect on the behavioral conceptualization when treating the depressed patients or clients. The evaluation treatment must be able to bring out the principles and the strategies of things like behavioral activation. Murdock. N. L.(2006). The evaluation should have the real meaning of the causal effects as well as methods and ways of approximating average causal effects. It should also be able to outline clearly the advantages and the disadvantages of the methods for determining these average effects. Murdock. N. L.(2006). Conclusion The evaluation method that is designed should be good enough to guide the staff on how to use the therapy and also to ensure that the clients are served correctly and that they get satisfied. Opinions of the clienteles are encouraged for easy judgment on the evaluation that been implemented. Lambert, Ogles, (1986) References Lambert, Ogles, (1986): Journal of children and Family Studies: The counseling psychology, 2,283-293. Murdock. N. L.(2006): On science-practice integration in everyday life: A plea for theory, The counseling psychologist, July 1, 2006; 34(4):548-569)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay Example for Free

The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay The following essay will explore the character of Dorian Gray in Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. The idea of Dorian’s deteriorating morality will be emphasized in this essay and the juxtaposition of the character’s picture and his physical appearance will be a main component in the development of thesis of this essay. The theme of morality will be a major issue in this paper as it is through morality that Dorian has drastically declined into his stygian state. Oscar Wilde presents the reader with a very modern day novel, both in theme, place setting, and character development. The reader is introduced to Dorian Gray through Basil Hallward; the two characters are the crux of the novel’s actions. In fact the two characters, Basil and Dorian, although equally enthralled with each other at the start of the novel, become increasingly distance as the novel progresses and as Dorian finds himself in moral turpitude through the tutelage of Lord Henry Wotton Lord Henry looked at him. Yes, he was certainly wonderfully handsome, with his finely-curved scarlet lips, his frank blue eyes, his crisp gold hair. There was something in his face that made one trust him at once. All the candour of youth was there, as well as all youth’s passionate purity. One felt that he had kept himself unspotted from the world. No wonder Basil Hallward worshipped him (Chapter Two). In the first exchange between Dorian and Lord Henry, the theme of the novel, that of youth and its disappearance, brings Dorian to curse his portrait because it will only be a reminder of how beautiful and young he once was, and with this curse it is revealed to the reader how important the aspect of youth is to Dorian whose sole belief in himself rests with this characteristic. Within the theme of youth is the ultimate curse of Dorian, for it is within this context that he becomes a doomed ‘hero’ and therefore loses his love, his life, and in the end of the story, his youth. Thus, the item which he once treasured becomes his downfall. It is with this curse that is Dorian’s lamenting of the portraits everlasting youth, that Dorian offers his soul in exchange for the portraits youth to be transferred to him while the portrait bears the brutality of Dorian’s life. In a type of Faustian decline, Lord Henry introduces Dorian into a very debilitating lifestyle in which Dorian becomes absolutely enthralled. This new lifestyle is full of carnal pleasures and Dorian dives into it headfirst, exercising no judgment only the thrill of the moment, without regret, remorse, or reason at times (Baker 1969). Although this may be considered to be Lord Henry’s influence, Dorian embraces this lifestyle with fervor. It is Dorian’s choice how he lives, and even though it may be considered to have been a type of brainwashing, Dorian latches onto the ideals presented by Lord Henry in that first conversation in Basil’s house. In fact, the reason that Basil had admired Dorian, at least according to Dorian, is because of his youth and beauty. Thus, Basil in the act of painting Dorian reiterates this theme. The support for this thesis runs consistent for most of the interactions among the characters in the novel. In one of the first examples the reader discovers of Dorian’s changing portrait is when Dorian falls in love with an actress by the name of Sibyl Vane. However, the plight of these two lovers is that Dorian falls in love with Sibyl because of her acting abilities; the twist is that since Sibyl has fallen in love with Dorian she no longer believes she can pretend to be in love on stage and thus quits her acting career (Wikipedia). After this event, Dorian rejects Sibyl and breaks off their engagement, â€Å"He flung himself down on the sofa, and turned away his face. â€Å"You have killed my love,† he muttered. † (Chapter Seven). This is when the audience and Dorian see the first changes in Dorian’s picture; his picture, once full of youth, beauty and a hopeful innocence, now sneers. This is the first sign of decline and it is not seen on Dorian’s picture perfect face but instead is relayed to the audience through the portraits physiognomy (Brown p. 264). After this realization that Dorian’s curse has come true, Dorian seeks to make retributions with his moral fortitude and to make amends with Sibyl. Despite this last ditch effort, or even of the one chance Dorian has in the course of the novel to make reprimands, Lord Henry tells Dorian that Sibyl has killed herself and that he, Dorian, should take the suicide as a type of artistic triumph. Thus, Dorian is urged to live without regret or worse, with no remorse for his actions and involvement in the young girl’s death Yet it was watching him, with its beautiful marred face and its cruel smile. Its bright hair gleamed in the early sunlight. Its blue eyes met his own. A sense of infinite pity, not for himself, but for the painted image of himself, came over him. It had altered already, and would alter more. Its gold would wither into grey. Its red and white roses would die. For every sin that he committed, a stain would fleck and wreck its fairness. But he would not sin. The picture, changed or unchanged, would be to him the visible emblem of conscience. He would resist temptation. He would not see Lord Henry any more—(End of Chapter Seven). From this point in the novel and onwards, there can be no rescue of Dorian since this is taken to be the crossroads of the story. If Dorian cannot succumb to change his carnal lifestyle at the suicide, which he aided in, of his love, then there seems to be no hope for the young man and the rest of the course of the plot is full of Dorian’s revolting moral character and the constant influence of Lord Henry, and the gentle if somewhat absent depictions of Dorian as seen through Basil’s eyes. The story is very much like Faust because it is at the climax of the carnal lifestyle and its full meaning that Dorian has a change of heart and repents, but it is not until after Dorian has had his carnal lifestyle that this penance is shown. Dorian is conscious of his changing moral character and in this light, he seeks to hide his portrait in an upper room of his house where only he may see the changing and aberrant images transforming Dorian’s physiognomy. The catch in the novel however is that in the eighteen years of Dorian’s interaction with London society on a debasing character, the elite of society continual to accept him, despite his moral character because Dorian remains young and beautiful. While the fight between Lord Henry and Basil has occurred in the early stages of the novel, and it is obvious that Lord Henry has won, Basil nevertheless goes to Dorian’s house to confront Dorian about his flagging reputation in London society. While at Dorian’s house however, Dorian decides to show Basil his portrait of Dorian, and thus, the artist is confronted with how Dorian’s soul has been distorted through almost two decades of immoral living. Basil however is not put off by this effrontery and still begs Dorian to change his ways. The reader however knows that the time for change would have been with Sibyl, and if Dorian cannot change his character after her suicide, then all hope is lost. Basil still persists, and in a fit of rage, against himself, and for Basil having witnessed the truth of Dorian’s soul, Dorian stabs Basil to death The mad passions of a hunted animal stirred within him, and he loathed the man who was seated at the table, more than in his whole life he had ever loathed anything. He glanced wildly around. Something glimmered on the top of the painted chest that faced him. His eye fell on it. He knew what it was. It was a knife that he had brought up, some days before, to cut a piece of cord, and had forgotten to take away with him. He moved slowly towards it, passing Hallward as he did so. As soon as he got behind him, he seized it, and turned round. Hallward stirred in his chair as if he was going to rise. He rushed at him, and dug the knife into the great vein that is behind the ear, crushing the man’s head down on the table, and stabbing again and again (Chapter 13). Dorian’s goal in life now is to escape from guilt, which is a difficult task because only the guilty party has the ultimate power to induce remorse. After being confronted by Sibyl’s brother James Vane, and after James’ accidental death at a hunting party Dorian wishes to change his life. Dorian does not know how to repent his since without a complete confession of them and so fear causes him to be stagnant in his decision. In Dorian’s decision to confess his crimes, and yet not able to be plucky enough to do it, his portrait now reflects his intents to be hypocrisy. In this new vein of the story, Dorian, in yet another classic fit of rage, revenge, or helplessness, Dorian picks up the same knife he used to kill Basil and attacks his self-portrait. The story then goes to the third person narrative and the servants hear a loud crash and go to find out what the noise was, and when they open the door, the servants and the readers find that the portrait has been restored to its formal beauty and youth and that Dorian lies an old, disfigured man on the floor with a knife plunged into his heart. Thus, with Dorian’s final act of repentance, he is able to change that which he had cursed and traded his soul for in the beginning of Wilde’s story (Lawler Knott p. 390). This, as mentioned prior is the Faust aspect of the story, the change of heart of the protagonist after having fulfilled his pleasure and had his share of dark fun. Dorian’s character then consists of a youth who is innocence, then persuaded by Lord Henry to live only for pleasure, then after murdering Basil, and seeing his love’s brother killed, and after staring at the state of his soul in the portrait Dorian changes. It is this last that has the full affect on him; Dorian, faced with his true image, and the hate, jealousy, snide nature that has become him, becomes overwhelmed with truth and cannot believe the state of it, and thus, must cover up this last bit of evidence; he must kill himself. With this final act, the reader is faced with the ambiguous finding of whether or not through his actions Dorian was able to change what he had created through eighteen years of carnal pleasure seeking with his one act of retribution; stabbing his own self, after finally recognizing the evil that he had become. Is this guild-ridden remorse for fear of eternal damnation? No, it is in fact Dorian finally confronting his sins and paying the ultimate price for them by his own hand; and thus is his morality reversed in the act of the stabbing and the recognition of the symbolism of it through the human Dorian and the portrait changing their appearances. This proves that Wilde wrote this story in order for a degradation morality to have a chance of change, even at the last moment and failings of life. Dorian had thought himself beguiled by Basil’s own forceful praise of youth and then his introduction to Lord Henry who confirmed youth was the greatest prize; however, by the end of the story, Dorian has changed his morality into thinking that he is indeed responsible for his own actions through the course of his life and that with this responsibility and his owning of the action of stabbing himself, Dorian becomes purified and thus takes his true form. Work Cited Baker, H. A. Jr. A Tragedy of the Artist: The Picture of Dorian Gray. Nineteenth-Century Fiction, Vol. 24, No. 3 (Dec. , 1969), pp. 349-355. Brown, R. D. Suetonius, Symonds, and Gibbon in The Picture of Dorian Gray Modern Language Notes, Vol. 71, No. 4 (Apr. , 1956), p. 264. Lawler, D. C. E. Knott. The Context of Invention: Suggested Origins of Dorian Gray Modern Philology, Vol. 73, No. 4, Part 1 (May, 1976), pp. 389-398. Wikipedia. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Online Accessed April 19, 2007. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Dorian_Gray. Wilde, O. The Picture of Dorian Gray Modern Library Classics, New York. 1998.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Comparison of Myths and Heroes

Comparison of Myths and Heroes Heroes of Medieval Times Throughout civilization there have been many changes in the views and ethics of society. Different civilizations believed that different distinct characteristics gave a person character which changes how the rest of society will view them. As civilization has progressed there have been many heroes thatare very different. Some of these heroes have been fierce warriors who fought with passion for their empire or kingdom, while others have been loyal and sacrificed their own well being for the greater good of a civilization. All of these heroes have been a role model for their society in one way or another. People always took pride in being connected with the heroes of their time. Having a hero gives people hope and determination, which is a very important characteristic. Wars have been won because a hero has given his people the inner strength to continue even though they are extremelyoutnumbered or losing horribly. They also give people honor in being part of their city or territory. Romans would believe in this aspect very strongly. Heroes have been the back bone that has helped different civilizations continue with the support of its people. If the people in each civilization had no honoror loyalty then we would have had many more different civilizations because ofconstant overthrows and takeovers. Even in todays world heroes and role models are changing. 10 years ago sports figures used to be the highlight of every bodies life; now people are looking towards our soldiers who are fighting overseas. The same change has happened throughout known civilization. Starting with Gilgamesh, the first known piece of literature, and going through the Aneid then on to The Sermon on the Mount the concept of the hero has changed drastically. The evolution of thehero in the medieval world has changed many times; a hero in one era would not be a hero in another and this will continue into the future. The first known hero was a man named Gilgamesh who was the king of Uruk. The story of Gilgamesh is the first known piece of literature and it is avery important epic of history. Uruk was a city located in ancient Mesopotamia, which was located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This is the location where civilization is believed to have begun. His city was seen as asymbol of strength, it had very high walls that were very strong. This was seen as a symbol of greatness by many. Gilgamesh was supposedly two thirds god and one third human. He was seen as the greatest king on earth and possessed manypowers; however, Gilgamesh was a young man that did not treat his people withrespect which would get him into some trouble. The people of Uruk were troubled with Gilgameshs treatment and prayed to the Gods. Aruru sent a wild man named Enkidu who had the same strength as Gilgamesh. He was sent to calm Gilgamesh down so the people of Uruk could have a little more peace. Gilgamesh and Enkidu end up fighting, but afterwards become great friends and have many great adventures together. Enkidu and Gilgamesh were involved in a battle where they killed the Bull of Heaven. The gods met and realized that somebody had to pay for this crime; they decided Enkidu should pay the price and he suffered for 12 days before dying. This caused Gilgamesh a lot of pain and he finally learns the feeling of loss. Gilgamesh has a rough time dealing with the loss of his best friend and decides that he can not live any longer unless he is granted immortality. Gilgamesh then turns to a sage named Utanapishtim who describes a story of an epic flood. This flood is closely related to the flood in the Christian bible. Utanapishtim builds a great boat and carries two of every animal in it. The god Enlil was very angry because someone let Utanapishtim know about the flood. Enlil decided to grant Utanapishtim and his wife complete immortality. Utanapishtim then tells Gilgamesh about a thorny plant that only grows beneath the great sea. Gilgamesh then goes on a search for this plant and eventually finds it and takes it back to the surface. The plant was later stolen from Gilgamesh by a serpent that ate the plant and then shed its skin. This is where Gilgamesh realizes that there is not an escape from death (Lawall18-34). He discovers that fame is a sense of immortality, his story and essence will live on forever (Taylor). Gilgamesh during his own time was not seen as a hero; we now can see that he was a very important hero by the story that was left behind. At firs the treated his people with disrespect by making them feel inferior, but with the gods help he was given a more personal character. In the Course of the epic, Gilgamesh changes from an arrogant, oppressive ruler whose people complain to the gods to a person who has experienced friendship, love, andloss, and who has been humbled by grief and the fear of death (Lawall 16). He learned the feeling of loss from his best friends death and also about humanity from the story of the flood. We now see Gilgamesh as a man who went through many changes which were for the better. Gilgamesh becomes a responsible ruler who rules his community with wisdom and creates human cultural achievements that outlast his own reign and are passed down to future generations. (Abusch 1) A second literary work that incorporates the importance of heroes in the ancient world is the Iliad. This story was written by the 8th century poet Homer. He utilized the people surrounding him for his writings. His poems celebrate the values of ancient Greek civilization, incorporating many ancient myths and folk motifs and examining such themes as heroism, fate, honor,loyalty, and justice (Homer 1). All of the different themes that Homer used inhis writings describe the type of person that the Greeks believed deserved thetitle of hero. The beginning of the Iliad starts after Troy had already been at warwith Greek army. The war was started because Paris was the judge of a beauty contest that involved three goddesses. The winner of the contest was going to be Paris wife. Paris chose Helen to be the most beautiful women in the world, but she was already the wife of Menelaus. Menelaus blamed Paris and turned to Agamemnon, who was his brother and he led the Greek forces to wage war on Troy. Achilles, the great Greek warrior, is mad at Agamemnon for stealing a woman that he had won as a war prize. Achilles mother, Thesis, dipped him in a liquid when he was young, which gave him immortality, but she held him by his ankle giving him one weakness. Agamemnon had taken Achilles woman because he was stripped of a woman that he had won. This causes Achilles to stop fighting the war against Troy. Achilles prays to his mother Thesis and learns that if the Trojan warrior Hector dies that it is Achilles fate to also die. As long as Hector did not die Achilles fate would not come true. The war then becomes involved with the Gods; different gods were oneach side of the war and the war constantly went back and forth between theTrojans and Greeks. The Trojans start to turn the war to their side andPatroclus decides to help out the Greeks. Patroclus was Achilles best friendand knew that if he wore Achilles armor it would give moral to the Greektroops. Patroclus drives the Trojans almost all the way back into the city, butHector engages him in battle and kills him. He then stole the armor off thecorpse of Patroclus and wears it in the continuing battles. Achilles is enragedwhen he learns of his best friends death and calls on his mother to acquire anew set of armor. Achilles finally joins the Greek army and leads them inbattle. He has absolutely no fear because he knows that his fate is death; manyTrojans are slaughtered by his revenge. Achilles finally meets with Hector andkills him. Hector, surely you thought as you killed Patroclus you would besafe, and since I was f ar away you thought nothing of me, o fool, for anavenger was left, far greater than he was, behind him and away by the hollowships (Mueller 100). After he killed hector he defiles his body by dragging Hector behind his horse because he believes Hector deserves this cruel treatment. The Trojan War is later won by the Greeks when they used a horsemade of wood to gain access to the city (Lawall 107-205). The Greek morals were very different than the morals we have today or even the morals during the time of Gilgamesh. When Achilles took the womenas a war prize it was a normal occurrence. That was what the society expected to be done. The Greeks believed in honor and loyalty for ones country as well as a man being a good strong warrior. The chief aim of a heros life is to win fame and immortality, do his duty, fulfill his fate, and guard his honor and that of his companions (Homer 3). Achilles resembles all of these characteristics; although he did go overboard with revenge at times. The Trojan War was started because Paris took Menelaus wife; he did not earn her in battle like a true warrior would. This caused the great war which was the demise of Troy. Achilles is seen as a hero because even though he knew his fate was death, if Hector was killed, he still fought for his kingdom, friend, andeven foe, Agamemnon. His mother warned him of what would happen, but the death of his friend needed to be revenged as well as the theft of Menelaus wife. Hewas strong and a great warrior, these qualities are the epitome of a Greekhero. These qualities are very different from the story of Gilgamesh where we say Gilgamesh become more of a humanitarian. Gilgamesh became more caring and forgiving to his people and his people desired this. If Achilles did that hewould be seen as a weak warrior; he would probably be challenged by anotherwarrior because of this weakness. Hector is also seen as a hero in this story because he fought with great honor for Troy. He knew that Achilles was a great warrior that would bevery difficult to defeat, yet he still engaged him in battle with honor andonly requested to die with dignity. These qualities are still very different from other civilizations that follow. A story from the Roman era that is closely related to Iliad is the Aeneid. This story was written by Romes favorite poet Virgil. This story was a rip off of Homers story and described how Rome was suppose to be founded (Taylor). Virgil wrote the story to describe how important Roman family values and sacrifice for ones country was very important. Virgil also wrote this text by taking payments from the Roman government which leads people to believe it was created to show Roman people the attributes that were desired in their society. This storys main character is Aeneas who was the prince of Troy. Aeneas had managed to make an escape while the city was being overthrown and he wasgiven a mission from the Gods. His mission was to find the city of Rome. This was seen as a very important duty because during that time if the Gods told aperson to do something it was especially important. This is the reason Romans believed they were special; the Gods wanted them to be founded. While Aeneas was sailing to the Italian peninsula the gods decided to test him. They created a large storm that blew Aeneas very far off course, and this landed his ship in Carthage. When he arrived he was welcomed by Queen Dido, who was a widow. In Carthage, Aeneas is viewed as a hero simply because he fits the physical description. Didoand Aeneas end up going on a hunting trip, but before they could make it backto the city a storm came and forced them to take shelter. They found a cave and decided to stay the night and wait for the storm to subs ide. While they were in this cave they engaged in a mutual attraction and had an intimate encounterwith each other. Aeneas does like Dido, but he does not take their relationshipas seriously as Dido does. She believes that their encounter in the cave was amarriage vow. Dido being extremely attached and attracted to Aeneas offers him theopportunity to stay in Carthage and become king. This is a very goodopportunity for Aeneas because he doesnt have to set up anything; the entirekingdom is already there and he could become rich and have a wife (Taylor). Aeneas is put in a very tough situation because he was summoned by the Gods tofound Rome, but he does love Dido and would love to stay and rule Carthage. While Aeneas was contemplating his decision the Gods sent Mercury as a messengerto remind him of his duty to find Rome. Aeneas makes the decision to leave thecomfort and ease of staying in Carthage to go back on his mission and find Rome. He is on fire to fly, and leave the too-well-loved city, astoundedat so unlooked-for a warning and at the command of the gods (Shairp 405). This passage describes how Aeneas felt about leaving Carthage. This wasnt a veryhard decision in the end because he knew that he was true to the Gods and whatwould be the city o f Rome. Aeneas and his men set sail to search for Rome and Dido completely loses her sanity. She is completely heartbroken and commits suicide, but before doing so she threatens Rome to be an enemy for alleternity. Aeneas ends up going to the land of the dead to gain some information and he meets Dido there. He tried to explain his sorrow and guilt he felt forher death, but she was reluctant to accept his apology. Aeneas ends up going onmany more expeditions and journeys, but he never finds the city of Rome. His descendant Romulus finds the city in 753 BCE. Aeneas gave up many different things that he knew he had for sure togo and try to find the city of Rome. He could have stayed in Carthage with Didoand had love, wealth, fame, and a great life; however, he decided that Rome was more important and gave up everything to go on his search. He was seen as a heroto all Romans because he resembled all of the family values that Romans had. They believed in loyalty, honesty, sacrifice, and respect. It could be said thatAeneas laid down the ground rules for the Roman values and qualities. He showed great respect for the Gods by following their orders and continuing to find Rome, and sacrifice by giving up certain wealth. This led Romans to believe that theircity was important and it was worth losing everything for. If it were possibleto have a conversation with Aeneas in the land of the dead he would say that even though he had failed to find Rome, it was worth the effort. Even if heknew he would never find Rome, his loyalty to the Gods would have kept him fromstaying in Carthage. This quality gives Aeneas a lot of character and gives himthe title of hero. The Romans also believed in many of the same characteristics the Greeks believed in, such as being a fierce warrior. When Christianity started to come into the Roman world it changed the views of what a hero was. TheRomans believed that if they were disrespected they returned the favor to whoever disrespected them. However, the Christian bible started to make its wayinto the Roman world and this was a very drastic change. In the New Testament Matthew 5-7 it states: Blessed are the poor in spirit, because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are they who sorrow, because they shall be comforted. Blessed are the gentle,they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they who are hungry and thirsty forrighteousness, because they shall be fed. Blessed are they who have pity, because they shall be pitied. Blessed are the pure in heart, because they shallsee God. Blessed are the Peace makers, because they shall be called the sons ofGod. Blessed are they who are persecuted for their righteousn ess, becausetheirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. (Lawall 1085-1086) These were the opposite views of what the traditional Romans believed. People in Rome started to turn to Christianity because it gave themindividual hope in something. It gave people the chance for individual salvation. The New Testament describes that the true believers will reach heaven, and fierce warriors who have no pity will not reach salvation. Thisshows another example of how civilization has changed its views of heroes. Heros will consistently change throughout the rest of civilization as different lifestyles and ethics come into play. All of the heroes discussed were very important role models to the people in that time. Heroes give hope and meaning in peoples lives; even though some are fierce warriors while otherstry to benefit society. Gilgamesh, Achilles, and Aeneas stories have lived on for thousands of years; this makes them true heroes that will continue to be an important role in civilizations to come. ReferencesAbusch, Tzvi. The Development and Meaning of the Epic of Gilgamesh: AnInterpretive Essay. Journal of the American Oriental Society 121. No. 4 Pg. 614-22.Homer, Iliad, Plot Summary and Discussion Issues. Goucher.11/12/2007. Pg.1-5. Homer. Literature Resource Center. 11/01/2007. Pg. 1-4. Hooker, Richard. Gilgamesh. WSU. 11/01/2007. Pg 1-10. Lawall, Sarah. Gilgamesh, The Iliad, The Aeneid, The New Testament. The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. Vol. 1. New York: W.W. Norton Company 2006. Pg. 15-34, 100-205, 926-1023,1082-89. Mueller, Martin. Fighting in the Iliad The Literature Resource Center. 1984. Pg. 1-12. Publius Virgilius Maro: The Aenid,. Authors Digest. Volume 17. Author Press1908. Pg. 1-4. Shairp, J. C. Virgil as a Precursor of Christianity. The Princeton Review. Vol. 4. July-December: 1879.Pg. 401-20. Taylor, Robert. Lecture, Civilization 1. Florida Institute of Technology. Fallsemester 2006. Why is Achilles the greatest of the Greek heroes?. 11/19/2007. Pg. 1.

Melville shows anger at Christianity through biblical allusions in Moby

Near the beginning of Moby Dick, Father Mapple reminds Pequod sailors of the biblical prophet Jonah and his unique encounter with a whale. The whale, known as a Leviathan in the Bible, swallows Jonah because Jonah refuses to obey God's command to preach to a wicked group of people. Father Mapple in his sermon says, "If we obey God, we must disobey ourselves; and it is in this disobeying ourselves, wherein the hardness of obeying God consists" (47). Once Jonah admits his sinfulness and follows his maker, the whale frees Jonah. Father Mapple says that obeying God can be difficult and might not seem logical to the person listening. Once Father Mapple speaks about Jonah and the whale, it becomes clear that Herman Melville's 1851 novel has a connection to the Bible and Christianity. Melville fills Moby Dick with several biblical allusions, and the novel's main characters are linked symbolically to figures in the Bible. Melville alludes to the Bible in Moby Dick to mock Christianity. He uses his primary characters of Ishmael, Ahab, and Moby Dick to make God seem like a judgmental being who has no pity on sinners unless they obey him. He also portrays faithful Christians as outsiders who live boring, uninspired lives. Melville definitely shows his frustration toward the creator and Christian teachings. Before exploring Ishmael, Ahab, and Moby Dick and their Biblical counterparts, it is important to understand Melville's background. He grew up as a baptized Calvinist in the Dutch Reformed Church. His parents trained him to obey God at all times, even if God’s commands seem unjust and cruel. However, he quickly turned against his faith after his father died. During his travels, he witnessed diseases, catastrophes, and hatred throughou... ...elville’s negative experiences with the teachings of Christianity and those who claimed to be Christians definitely influenced his writing in Moby Dick. Instead of just coming out and bashing God and Christianity directly, he uses the characters in his novel to get his point across. There are many other instances of Biblical allusions in Moby Dick, but he specifically uses the allusions linked to Ishmael, Ahab, and Moby Dick to mock God and Christianity. By linking personalities in the Bible with characters in Moby Dick, he displays his anger and disagreement with Christianity. God gave everyone a free will, and Melville is entitled to his opinions. Works Cited Melville, Herman. Moby Dick Or The White Whale. London: Oxford University Press, 2004. Print. Holy Bible: New International Version. New York: Harper, 2005.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Bob Dylan and Media Distribution Channels :: Media Delivery Music Musician

Bob Dylan and the Media Throughout most of Bob Dylan's career as a musician, radio was the main form of media that was used to convey his message to the public. From the first album in the early 1960's to the 1990's, radio was and still is the main way in which the public receives his lyrics. It also remains to be the way Dylan is able to communicate his messages to us. My question is; How have the outlets of information changed through the years, and which method of the media is more effective? Is one better than the other for the purposes of relaying Dylan's messages to the public? Bob Dylan is famous for his straight forward and bold lyrics. Since the beginning of his long career as an artist, people of the United States and all across the world have not only listened to his musical talent but respected his ideas as a leader. Bob Dylan, like so many other musicians of his day, got his start on the radio. This was a way for musicians to relay messages to the rest of society. This gave people all across the world a feeling of belonging. It provided a basis for people to share common interests with others across the world. Music concerts was another way of passing Dylan's messages to the public. A typical concert performed by Dylan included fifty thousand people in an arena, and another fifty thousand outside of the gates. For the lucky ones, those which were able to enter the concert (either by paying or sneaking in), the concerts are a way which everyone is able to receive the desired message at precisely the same time. Another positive idea about concerts is; by watching someone whom they have been listening to for years, people get a sense of hope, inspiration, and the face behind the name. The third source of media that Dylan used to communicate his thoughts and music ability, was through albums. Over the course of Dylan's long career, he has released more than 40 albums. Starting in the 1960's and ending in the 1990's, when the compact disc was introduced and gained popularity. An album is a way of playing back individual songs, simply by releasing the needle on whatever song you would like played. As albums became more and more popular, Dylan was now able to convey his message to a wider variety of people.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay on Appearance vs Reality in Othello and Twelfth Night

Appearance versus Reality in Othello and Twelfth Night      Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare cleverly uses the art of disguise, in both his tragedies and his comedies, in order to employ a literary device known as dramatic irony, where the audience members are aware of something (in this case the true identity of characters) that characters in the play are not. This, of course, creates tension in a play and excites the audience; actions take place on the stage, of which the audience knows the import, but characters on the stage do not. It also creates a setting for a great deal of irony where characters make comments that take on a double meaning.    Two examples of characters who utilize such disguise are Iago, from Othello, and Viola, from Twelfth Night. The purposes for which Iago chooses to disguise his motives are to gain an office which he feels he deserves and to get revenge on Othello for allegedly committing adultery with his wife.    Most of the irony in Othello stems not from what Iago says, but rather from what the other characters say about him, such as the references to him as "honest Iago," "the bold Iago," and "a very valiant fellow." Iago's disguise makes the audience fearful for the other characters, and causes them to pity those who suffer... ... self-serving officer are both lessons in trust. In Twelfth Night, Olivia's readiness to fall in love with appearances is a lesson about love.   Sometimes it seems disguise tells more than candor.    Works Cited and Consulted: Jorgensen, Paul A. Appearance versus Reality in Shakespeare. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1985. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos. Shakespeare, William. The Norton Shakespeare. Edited Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1997.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Comparative analysis of political participation Essay

The change in political participation is currently a hotly discussed topic. Low turnouts in the 2001 and 2005 UK general elections, along with falling membership of political parties have led political organisations to discover the reasons for this (BBC, 2006). One method is to use comparative analysis. This â€Å"is about comparing aspects of countries’ political systems† (Dobson, 2005, p.140) to try to understand why a phenomenon occurs in one country or time period but not in another. This essay looks at two factors, which evidence suggests affect political participation: gender and socio-economic standing. It examines whether comparative analysis is a useful tool for studying this topic. It concludes that whilst comparative politics is helpful at identifying participation trends, it is too simplistic to provide practical answers and that further studies are required to reveal useful outcomes. Historically, conventional ways for citizens to participate in politics were by voting in elections and joining a political party. The decline in these activities has led some to believe there is political apathy in Britain. However Helena Kennedy (cited by White, 2006, p.4), chair of the Commission which produced the Power to the People report (2006) denies this, saying that despite â€Å"no longer want[ing] to join a party or get involved in formal politics,† people instead take direct action by raising money for charities, joining protest marches, signing petitions and undertaking volunteering work within their communities. The possibility for differing definitions of key outcomes is a disadvantage for comparative analysis. A study that defines participation in terms such as voting or contacting politicians will conclude that political participation has decreased and supports the political apathy theory, whereas, a study such as the Citizen Audit (2001), using â€Å"unorthodox† definitions, such as membership of political organisations (anything from trade unions to community groups) or financially supporting activist organisations, find that participation is still strong. The Citizen Audit â€Å"found that approximately 40 per cent of adults belong to at least one political organisation† (Smith, 2005, p.83)  and â€Å"there is little evidence of widespread apathy† (Smith, 2005, p.84). When trying to create policies to increase political participation, these conflicting results are unhelpful. Following a 2002 European Union directive, which required member states to â€Å"promote equality in relation to sexual orientation, age and religion in addition to race, gender and disability† (Squires, 2005, p.119), European governments began to initiate changes to the way women were represented within parliament. Governments did not necessarily choose the same initiatives and comparative analysis is useful to identify quickly the comparative success of each government’s initiatives. (See table 1, Appendix). Political systems are hugely complex and as Dobson states; â€Å"Each day most of us find ourselves describing, explaining and predicting something. Comparative politics is no more, then, than carrying out these apparently basic human activities in the context of what we are calling ‘political worlds’ † (Dobson, 2005, p.143). Comparing what happens in different countries or different political systems enables the analysis of differences and similarities and thereby, identifying factors that can be applied generally to simplify complex systems. For example Table 1 shows that Nordic countries have significantly higher levels of female participation in comparison to the UK. A policy maker, looking to increase participation by UK women, can then look at why there is such a large disparity between the two countries and whether there is something the UK could learn from Nordic policy. This illustrates another advantage of comparative study; it gives opportunity to expand one’s knowledge of political worlds. For comparison there must be at least two things to compare which must be evidently different. In political comparison, this is often two different countries and even if one is one’s own, the other will not be and â€Å"if we assume that knowledge of others is a prerequisite for finding our way around, and managing, a globalizing world, then comparative politics seems to be of increasing practical importance† (Dobson, 2005, p.143). Expanding one’s knowledge is generally auspicious and simplifying complex  information is usually advantageous although over simplification is a risk. Table 2 shows the same information as table 1 but for the elections that were held closest to the time of the aforementioned EU directive. Figure 1 shows the percentage point difference between both elections. Using this information, that same policy maker may feel that focussing on France’s policies would be of much greater value than that of the Nordic countries as, in only 10 years, France has almost doubled the amount of women who hold parliamentary seats. Comparing and ranking countries can be useful but, as illustrated here, it is only part of a story and great care must be taken when interpreting comparative data. Oversimplification is a distinct risk of comparative analysis. It is possible to mitigate the risk by undertaking more study, producing more data and a more sophisticated and detailed analysis to guide forecasting or policy change. It is important that one considers this potential issue when working with conclusions drawn from comparative analysis. In 2005 the Electoral Commission produced a research report, Social Exclusion and Political Engagement. Its aim was to explore â€Å"why those experiencing social disadvantage tend to also be the most politically excluded in society.† (Electoral Commission, 2005) Looking at the aim of this report highlights an advantage of using comparative politics but also a disadvantage. The advantage is that it allows testing of hypotheses; in this case, those who experience social disadvantage are more likely to be politically excluded. By comparing different circumstances, one can find out what factors affect the political situation in a country, giving an idea as to what particular social/financial or other conditions might give rise to say, reform or revolution in the future. The possibility to predict outcomes is especially important for politicians; â€Å"the possibility of knowing that under certain social conditions, policy X will produce outcome Y† (Dobson, 2005, p.144) all ows them to make informed policy decisions. The disadvantage is that in research, subjectivity and objectivity can sometimes be lost. Baxter, (cited by Dobson, 2005, p.146) points out; â€Å"Research is not a wholly objective activity carried out by detached scientists. It is a social activity powerfully affected by the researcher’s  own motivations and values.† In this case, the researcher(s) has(ve) already taken on the axiom that those with social disadvantages are politically excluded. This does not necessarily mean that conclusions drawn by social scientists are useless it just means that it is important that anyone working with these conclusions is aware that they â€Å"might be ‘contaminated’ by their [comparative scientists’] own motivations and values† (Dobson, 2005, p.154). The report drew together much information on the subject and found that the ‘working class’ (C2DEs) were 21 percentage points less likely to vote than the ‘middle class’ (ABC1), 60% to 41%. It also found â€Å"ABC1s twice as likely as C2DEs to take advantage of the opportunity to contact their elected representatives: two-thirds of those who present their views to their councillors or MPs are ABC1s†¦ Political activism is higher among ABC1s than C2DEs (23% as compared to 7%). Across a range of different activities which could still be defined as ‘political’, there is a correlation with class and income†¦ those in the lowest social class, the poorest in society and the less educated were less likely to be politically active than those who are in a higher social class† (Electoral Commission, 2005, p.9). This gives a lot of interesting information and seems to make it clear that there is a correlation between social class and political participation but then it could be argued that it does not really say anything useful. It illustrates a difference but it does not give any reason for this difference. It does not give any principles that one could draw from the comparisons to enable one to make wider or more generalised conclusions about what would lessen the gap. Anyone using the data runs the risk of putting their own interpretation on the results, as stated by Lewis (cited in Dobson, 2005, p.157) â€Å"the development of the comparatives’ tools seems to involve the interpretation of political reality rather than its simple and problem-free observation†. The other difficulty with this is that people interpret things in different ways and one person’s interpretation of these results might not be another’s. This runs the risk of further confusion rather tha n clarifying issues. To conclude, Dobson asks; â€Å"Whether, despite their peculiarities, we can build  theories for comparing political worlds that will enable us to offer general truths about them. Or are we only ever able to tell stories about them – stories rich in specific detail but devoid of generalizable truths?† (Dobson, 2005, p.140). Comparative analysis is a key tool in identifying trends in participation. It also allows for the testing of hypothesis and for simplification of complicated data, with the possibility of expanding ones knowledge; all notable advantages. However, the disadvantages of contamination and misinterpretation along with the possibility for over simplification reveal crucial limitations, meaning that comparative analysis offers little in the way of definitive predictions about or practical answers which could influence political participation. References BBC, 2006. Political system faces ‘meltdown’. BBC UK Politics. Available at: [Accessed 3 December, 2014]. Electoral Commission, 2005. Available at: [Accessed 4 December, 2014]. Dobson, A., Story telling and theory building: comparing political worlds. In: Lewis, P ed. 2005. Exploring Political Worlds. Milton Keynes, The Open University Smith, M., Taking part in politics. In: Lewis, P ed. 2005. Exploring Political Worlds. Milton Keynes, The Open University Squires, J., Common citizenship and plural identities: the politics of social difference. In: Lewis, P ed. 2005. Exploring Political Worlds. Milton Keynes, The Open University White, I., Power Inquiry, 2006. Power to the People: the report of Power, an Independent Inquiry into Britain’s Democracy. – Commons Library Standard Note, Power to the People: the report of Power, an Independent Inquiry into Britain’s Democracy. – Commons Library Standard Note. Available at: [Accessed 3 December, 2014]. Whiteley, P.F., Pattie, C. and Seyd, P., Citizen Audit of Great Britain, 2000-2001 [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive [distributor], March 2005. SN: 5099,

Friday, August 16, 2019

Gay marriages should be made legal

Homosexuality has always been an easily misunderstood aspect of human's sexual life. People have diverse opinions but also very complex feelings over homosexuality. From the ancient years homosexuals were called â€Å"human garbage† and thought to be unclean by society. They were always isolated and rejected because of their sexual preferences, which were something different and unusual in comparison with the standards of society. However the way each of us deal with the fact of homosexuality depends on our own background, confusion, and personal experience with this issue. In the last years it has appeared the phenomenon of gay marriages, which actually worries society and raises many speculations about its probable legalization. Gay marriages happen more frequently in the recent years and they provoke disagreements and disputes among people. The moral issue that arises is whether gay marriages should be made legal or not. The majority of people are against legalization of this kind of marriages because they consider it as something abnormal and as a terrible sin against society, which unavoidably leads to disaster. According to the common belief gay marriages never existed in the past so there is no reason to change the already existing and well built foundations of this society. Whatever differs from the widely accepted establishment, is isolated and thrust aside. Consequently gay are not allowed to have a family and live their life as they dreamed it of. Furthermore, homosexuals are despised and rejected from the Christians and the religion in general. They are thought to be the â€Å"black ships† which do not deserve to be loved by God or by anyone else. According to our religion the two sexes have to married each other and anything else beside that is considered as blaspheme. They don't follow the â€Å"rules† of society and religion and they have to be punished. Consequently society, decides for the structure of the most appropriate kind of family and it actually excludes the minority of homosexuals by depriving them the right of getting married, creating a family and even have or adopt children. Additionally they are not suitable to bring up a child with the normal way because inevitably one of the two sexes is absent. According to Freud the lack of one of the two sexes in a marriage ends up to be disastrous for the personality of the child. This comes as a natural consequence because the child has only one sex model to imitate and learn from. Things become even more complicated when the child is of the opposite sex from the parents. On the other hand, according to homosexuals and their supporters same sex marriages should be legalized, because all people despite their sexual preferences must be able to get married with the person they love. Homosexuality is not something repulsive but just something different that heterosexuals are not used to. Gay support the opinion that sexual orientation is something, which seems to be â€Å"‘given† and it can't change. Homosexuals can't deny the truth about themselves and they get in a process of discovering and accepting themselves as they are. We must do the same thing and avoid criticizing them for their choices. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with morality. Homosexuals as well as heterosexuals can be involved in sexual sin, including promiscuity, infidelity and abuse. They are just like the rest of us, they have the same rights and they deserve the same opportunities in life. Consequently, they should be allowed to get married and create a family. They can be as good parents as the ordinary parents. They can offer love, tenderness and they can contribute to the formation of their children's personality. In conclusion homosexuality has many supporters but also many enemies. The problem that arises is whether it should be legalized or not. As we know from history all kind of discriminations led humanity straight to disaster in the past years. So as we accept every person with its benefits but also its disadvantages, we should also accept the homosexuals. Even if people cannot easily accept something new and different that inclines from what is considered as normal we must try to accept it and give homosexuals the chance to fulfil their dreams and live their lives without any unfair discriminations through legalization of gay marriages.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Han Fei Tzu and The Art of Hotel Management

Around 280 B. C. the royal family of Han gave birth to one of the greatest philosophers of China, Han Fei Tzu. He studied under Sun Tzu, and in addition, from other philosophers such as the Taoist Legalist philosopher, Shen Tao, and a Legalist philosopher, Shen Pu-hai. Though Han Fei Tzu did not invent Legalism, he furnished the ideas to its perfection. His theories went against those of Confucius’s and other philosophers, focusing more on the practical level. Though ill fated to die in the hand of his own student, Li Ssu, Han Fei Tzu’s theories prove successful in uniting China and establishing the first emperor of China. Han Fei Tzu is a Legalist. His ideas of government establishment and function strove for those of extremes, of utmost reward and punishment. Han Fei Tzu focused on the art of distrust. His ideas parallel those of the modern world business, where the society is filled with darkness. Moreover, his establishment of the hierarchy of government equals those of modern corporations. The Chief Executive Officer oversees each and every order carried out, with specialists occupying different offices. Speaking of corporations, there is one industry that would draw Han Fei Tzu’s close attention. Not only does Han Fei Tzu’s theories apply in this particular business; furthermore, it actually functions in identical ways. In the hotel industry, the vital component not only lies in skills, capitals, or services. Hotel management, for the General Manager, focuses on the tactics of administration. The society within the hotel stands upon tied complications between individuals. Each and every member and staff deal not only with their duties. They face the challenge of cooperation and service. Thus, almost everyone in the hotel industry faces the challenge of socialization, on the materialistic level. People do not approach without purpose. ‘Deals’ and ‘transactions’ lie beneath every interaction. These deals and transactions may be job promotion, favors, etc. When there is no use for any additional help, people depart in their own ways. As one general manager describes, â€Å"I’d rather have a true enemy then all these false friends†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Putting Han Fei Tzu and the art of hotel management together provides the perfect combo. Han Fei Tzu’s â€Å"The Way of the Ruler† should work in harmony with the way of a General Manager. On the level of executive administration, Han Fei Tzu said, â€Å"The ruler [GM] must not reveal his desires; for if he reveals his desires his ministers will put on the mask that pleases him. He must not reveal his will; for if he does so his ministers will show a different face. † (P16) A GM, like the ruler, must not reveal his true self to his employees. By revealing the GM’s true self, he is also showing his weakness. Thus, his employees will be acknowledged of where to get at the GM. By this, the GM loses his control and power over his staff members, disabling the superiority over them. The skill to perfect the coverage of identity is trust. â€Å"It is hazardous,† Han Fei Tzu warns, â€Å"for the ruler of men to trust others, for he who trust others will be controlled by others. † (P84) When trusting others, one reveals his secrets to them. In turn, one day these secrets may backfire and injure the position of the GM. Thus, making sure to ignore trusting others is a fundamental for GMs to stay in control. In connection to trust is the way of assignment. How can the GM appoint positions if he ceases to trust anyone? This is done through the means of observation. Han Fei Tzu recommended, â€Å"if one were only to observe a man’s features and dress and listen to his speech, then even Confucius could not be certain what kind of person he is. But if one tries him out in government office and examines his achievements, then even a man of mediocre judgement can tell whether he is stupid or wise. † (P124) The result of the work is observed to judge a person. Intuitions and visuals are discarded. Rather, results are used to judge an individual and used to place him or her in the right office. Due to the fact that the world of hotel management lies in deep connection with socialization, the line between the manager and managed must be drawn. Henceforth, if the managed lacks the fear against the manager, the order of the hotel will be disrupted. Employees will act lazily and try to reduce their workload. Thus, to avoid laziness and enhance work efficiency, extreme measures of punishment must be carried out. â€Å"The enlightened ruler,† Han Fei Tzu describes, â€Å"controls his ministers by means of two handles alone. The two handles are punishment and favor. (P30) With extreme punishment, the GM sets an example of how misconduct will be treated, while encouraging hard work by means of reward. The usage of punishment and reward also allows greater control by the GM. Han Fei Tzu explains, â€Å"†¦the officials will turn their backs on law, seeking only to establish weighty personal connections and making light of public duty. † (P23) Through punishment and award, managers will be pulled away from attendance of establishing connections with higher executives, while focusing more on their duty. As mentioned above, the skill of socializing is so abused that hotel staffs solely rely upon connections to escape responsibility. Thus, they will learn that, though with connections, punishments will be carried out when duties are not fulfilled. Similarly, rewards will be given even there exists no connections, as long as the job is done right. Speaking of duties, the difference between executive officers and specialized staff must also be specified. â€Å"Appoint one man to each office. Let no one,† Han Fei Tzu suggests, â€Å"do as he pleases, and never permit men to change office or to hold two offices at the same time. (P39) A waiter is a waiter, and his duty is to serve the customer. Topping the waiters is the chief-waiter, who oversees the functioning of the restaurant. F/B (Food & Beverage) division manager sees to it that all the restaurants are providing the best service possible, keeping their customers content and jubilant. This is the distribution of responsibilities. To succeed in management, the GM must remember the words of Han Fei Tzu, where â€Å"the ministers name their proposals, the ruler holds fast to the name, and the ministers come forward with results. When names and results match, then superior and inferior will achieve harmony. † (P37) One’s own duty must be recognized, and regardless of the importance of the task, only by the fulfillment of every detail can a hotel function in its proper way. Moreover, â€Å"things have their proper place, talents their proper use. When all are in their proper place, then superior and inferior may be free from action. (P35)† Each member of the hotel secures their own position, making sure they have good ethics in their duties. One must not cross the lines of their responsibility, for it brings disorder and confusion to the hotel as a whole. Everyone minds their own task, and when appointed a certain position, they focus their energy to fulfill the requirements. Relating the bondage of duties and socialization of hotel members enter the competition for position. Every staff working in a hotel looks up to a higher level. They want to upgrade their status to increase their salary, to gain a better reputation, or other unspecific reasons. As a result, while everyone is socializing, treating each other in friendly matters, each one is in fact selfish. In reality, they fight over positions beneath the surface. Thus, a GM must â€Å"guard against danger, fear peril, make haste to designate your heir, and misfortune will have no means to arise. † As long as the GM announces the entitlement of certain positions, individuals will be aware of the occupied office, thus ceasing to plot for competitions. Even as the head of a hotel, the GM has to work in order to gain the ‘favor’ of his colleagues. Unlike the times of Han Fei Tzu, where the emperor ruled a province, GMs ruled only a hotel. Thus, punishments such as beheading and property confiscation could not be utilized. An alternative would be persuasion, to successfully convince his employees to follow his orders. This would be the usage of rewards, or wages. Han Fei Tzu suggests, â€Å"praise other men whose deeds are like those of the person you are talking to; commend other actions which are based upon the same policies as his. † Though this strategy is for ministers, the employers nowadays should also consider this tactic. Through persuasion, the GM may be able to command his people with greater efficiency. The hotel is like a province, and similar to ancient China, there exist more than one province. Competing hotels stand everywhere, and they are the ones that the GM battles. Thus, the GM must know how to maximize the usage of public resource and private capital to triumph in sales over other hotel competitors. Han Fei Tzu has already seen the significance in resource allocation, as he describes, â€Å"When the sage rules, he takes into consideration the quantity of things and deliberates on scarcity and plenty. † (P99) Though by this Han Fei Tzu means in terms of punishment and reward, this rule would be applied towards the usage of capital and investment, for the time is situated for such measures. The change of technology and uprising of new competing hotels also forces the GM to decide on major upgrades for the hotel. Which component of the hotel should the GM upgrade? Should technology be weighed heavier, or should the GM renovate the outlook? Han Fei Tzu recommends, â€Å"Those who have no understanding of government always tell you, â€Å"Never change old ways, never depart from established custom! † But the sage cares nothing about change or no change; his only concerns is to rule properly. † (P93) By this, the GM’s responsibility is to make the best decisions for the hotel, and because circumstances change according to the age, and ways of dealing with them change with the circumstances,† (P99) the GM’s decisions would be in reaction to the functions of competing hotels. If Hyatt renovated their lobby, Sheratons would check to see if this did create a higher room sales rate. If so, the Sheratons should also upgrade their lobby facility to compete against Hyatt. One particularly important writing of Han Fei Tzu is ‘The Eight Villainies’. This not only applies as a warning against the ruler and advice for the minister, it can also be manipulated to be used by the GM. Han Fei Tzu would certainly enjoy seeing his tactics used to its full extent. Here is a briefing for how this ‘Eight Villainies’ can be deployed and modernized for the best use by the GM: Making use of his bedfellows => Immediately upon distribution of reward, the GM may hope to ask for greater job performances, prior to the former one. Making use of his attendants => The GM, as the head of the hotel, can force lower employees such as waiters to agree with the GM, thus convincing the waiter-head to be held responsible for certain events. This applies to other offices as well. Making use of his elder and kin => By visiting the families of his employee, the GM may be more persuasive and successful at convincing his employee at undertaking certain task, for the family, in consideration of promotions, will try to convince particular individuals to gain favor of the GM. Encouraging baleful pursuits => The GM may appoint certain managers or staffs a better office, with fully equipped furniture and luxuries, thus impose heavier duty and greater responsibility unto the manager. Making use of the people => Considering one question, would the employees be in greater pursuit to gain favor from their GM or their manager? Given the fact that the GM is the head of the hotel, employees are certain to strive in contenting their wage-payer. Thus, the GM can impose a greater influence upon his employees to order managers indirectly to do so as the GM pleases. (This is very similar to ‘Making use of his attendants) Making use of fluent speakers => In one way, the GM may assign speakers from popular hotel management schools such as Cornell to speak in agreement with the GM. This increases credibility and enhances the strength of persuasion. Making use of authority and might => The GM is the head of the hotel, thus he possesses the greatest authority and might in the hotel. Using this power, the GM should exploit it to its full extent, by terminating unwanted managers or lazy employees. Making use of the surrounding => The fact that there are competing hotels can too, be used to the GM’s advantage. His position enables special ‘connections’ with other executives, thus when the GM’s own managers are not following orders, the GM can make certain that he would not be able to gain a similar job at a different hotel. Only the GM’s hotel is willing to accept this particular individual. Though these ‘Eight Villainies’ may too, be used against the ruler -Han Fei Tzu wrote it as a warning to rulers- GM should also consider these tactics to employ them himself. A final warning Han Fei Tzu suggests is the trade of authority and power. In this case, Han Fei Tzu warns, â€Å"no ministers should be allowed to borrow the power and authority of the ruler. † (P89) The GM is indeed the most powerful man in the hotel. If he was to lend his authority to managers, this power may be exploited in terms of corruption. Money might be drained, employees might be lost, and worse, the GM himself may be used as a scapegoat. Overall, the vital mentality that should be considered is not only the GM’s. The hotel functions as a whole, thus each and every member work together to benefit the hotel. In hotel management, the ways of the GM stands not alone, but with the support of his managers and employees. Thus, the mentality of these managers and employees should also be considered. Han Fei Tzu summarizes the essence of this whole construct. â€Å"The interests of the state and the individual are,† Han Fei Tzu analyzes, â€Å"mutually at odds, and both cannot prevail at the same time. Managers and employees must not act selfishly to gain their own benefits, but rather, everyone must work with good ethics to strengthen the hotel as a whole. The question, â€Å"what would Han Fei Tzu say about hotel management,† is asked. In response, Han Fei Tzu would comment, â€Å"Hence it is said that the art of hotel management affiliates itself to the rules of a king, they work in the same mechanism. Han Fei Tzu would promote a copy of his philosophies to the GM of the hotel. The ways of the ancient government and modern hotel construct are identical. The only difference lies in the lack of military. Yet, without military and arms, the essence of Han Fei Tzu’s philosophies remains. Without the conduct of arms, persuasion is the new modern weapon. To manipulate the thinking of others is the new rule. Han Fei Tzu’s theories are in reality a cookbook for dealing with people. This works perfectly for hotel management because GMs deal more with socialization than actual hotel functioning. Indeed, there involve skill and talent to administer the hotel, yet in order for jobs to be done, the GM must learn how to control his managers and employees. Han Fei Tzu would have been the perfect GM if he lived. He would not comment on everything, but only minor details, for his theories apply in great affiliation with hotel management. Even on a greater level, Han Fei Tzu’s theories are in bondage to corporate functions. The weapon in the modern days though, is wealth. Han Fei Tzu’s thinking not only applies to hotel management, but it also works for corporate executives. Han Fei Tzu would have said the same things to each officer working in a firm, for his teachings hold true for everyone. Han Fei Tzu’s work is actually a perfect guideline for modern day society, where people work to their own benefits and lack the altruistic characteristic that existed in ancient times. Han Fei Tzu focuses specifically on the level of trust and socialization. This skill is vital in the survival of society, because in the world of infinite talents, it is only luck and connection that surfaces a person’s identity and ability. Han Fei Tzu, though dislike the fact that this is true, admits to the flaw of the system. Human nature is ultimately bad and lazy. Each individual strives for their benefits, discarding benevolent practice. Thus, Han Fei Tzu discredits and criticizes the theories of benevolence, particularly promoted by Confucius and Mencius. In the modern world, everyone tries to survive under the tide of wealth and capitalism. They work in companies and firms to accomplish this goal. Yet, it is the interaction of individuals that make up societies, communities, and corporations. Han Fei Tzu, if living in today’s world, would indeed thrift in his philosophies, and make millions if he wrote the book, Han Fei Tzu and the Art of Humanistic Behavior. His ideas target not only rulers and ministers, they too, function well in today’s world.